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 1. Search for the name of Japanese-Era(regnal year)
Please check the notice and warning in the below.

(1) Do not input only space or null-character.
(2) Please check the category and input correctly.
(3) Year and year of era should be inputed by half character number only.
(4) If you want to search the era which did not have the name, input 「無」 or 「なし」 should be inputed.
(5) The Nanboku-chō period(南北朝時代)1) is mainly adopted by the era name of the North Imperial Court. But we provide that information of the South Imperial Court for understanding.

:: Japanese era Converter System ::
Category   Input key word for searching Era(regnal year)
Year(BC) year  (e.g. 1997)
Name of Era and Era-year(regnal year)  - e.g.) 明治/めいじ
year  - e.g.) 10 (Number)
The reason of changing era(regnal year) and so on.
:::::::::::: Result ::::::::::::
北朝 -
南朝 -
2. What is the name of Era in Asia(regnal year)?
  A regnal year is a year of the reign of a sovereign. From Latin regnum meaning kingdom, rule.
The oldest dating systems were in regnal years, and considered the date as an ordinal, not a cardinal number. For example, a monarch could have a first year of rule, a second year of rule, a third, and so on, but a zero year of rule would be nonsense. Applying this ancient epoch system to modern calculations of time, which include zero, is what led to the debate over when the third millennium began.
An era name was assigned as the name of each year by the leader (emperor or king) of the East Asian countries of China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam during some portion of their history. The people of the country referred to that year by that name. Era names were used for over two millennia by Chinese emperors and are still used by Japanese emperors. It could last from one year to the length of the leader's reign. If it lasted more than one year, numbers were appended to the era name. If it lasted the entire length of the leader's reign, then that leader is often referred to by that name posthumously. However, the leader was often given a more complex formal posthumous name as well. It should not be confused with a temple name, by which many leaders are known. The Republic of China era can be construed to be an era name, albeit one without an emperor.


3. What is the name of Era in Japan(Japanese era name)?
  The Japanese era calendar scheme is a common calendar scheme used in Japan, which identifies a year by the combination of the Japanese era name (年号, nengō?, lit. year name) and the year number within the era. For example, the year 2008 is Heisei 20.
As elsewhere in East Asia, the use of nengō, also known as "gengō" (元号, "gengō"?), was originally derived from Chinese Imperial practice, although the Japanese system is independent of the Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese era-naming systems. Unlike these other similar systems, Japanese era names are still in use. Government offices usually require era names and years for official papers.
Sometimes an era name is expressed with the first letter of the romanized name. For example, S55 means Shōwa 55 (i.e. 1980 A.D.). At 64 years, Shōwa is the longest era to date.




Explanatory notes 1) The Nanboku-chō period(南北朝時代)
1) 日本で、中世、朝廷の皇統が南朝(大覚寺統)と北朝(持明院統)とに分裂し対立した時代。両朝の対立は足利尊氏が京都で持明院統の光明天皇を擁立し、大覚寺統の後醍醐天皇が吉野に移った建武三=延元元年(一三三六)から、南朝の後亀山天皇が帰京して、室町幕府による全国統一の完成した明徳三=元中九年(一三九二)までであるが、一般には分裂直前の建武の中興(一三三三~三六)を含めて、鎌倉時代と室町時代の中間の時代をさしてよぶ場合が多い。両朝はそれぞれ別の年号を用いた。全国的な規模で展開した社会的動乱は、荘園制とそれを基盤とする公家社寺の没落をもたらし、守護の領国支配が進んで室町幕府の支配体制が確立し、一方、村落内部で農民の自治組織が生まれた。また、それまで公家中心の閉鎖的な社会で通行した教養娯楽の一部が広く庶民の間にも行なわれるようになり、連歌・能楽・茶の湯など文化史上の新しい分野が開拓された。

参考文献-『日本国語大辞典』(第二版), 日本国語大辞典編集委員会編, 小学館, 2001

Explanatory notes 2) The Nanboku-chō period (南北朝時代, nanbokuchō-jidai?, "South and North courts period", also known as the Northern and Southern Courts period), spanning from 1336 to 1392, was a period that occurred during the early years of the Muromachi period of Japan's history. During this period, there existed a North Imperial Court, established by Ashikaga Takauji in Kyoto, and a South Imperial Court, established by Emperor Go-Daigo in Yoshino.
The two courts fought for 50 years, with the South giving up to the North in 1392. Still, the Emperors of the South Imperial Court are today considered the legitimate Emperors of Japan, since they controlled the Japanese imperial regalia. This view dates from the 19th century.


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  1. Search for the name of Japanese-Era / 2. What is the name of Era in Asia? / 3. What is the name of Era in Japan?
4. The list of Japanese Era-name
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